We have been building capacity for 40 years, not by increasing the size of our office staff or the square meters of office space, but by developing networks of on-call experts and organizations around the world. Our advisors’ experience more than bridges the gaps in the experience of our home team when special situations arise.
Our own resources include a team that can advise about a range of technology: renewable energy systems, ecovillage master planning, smart technologies and big data solutions, climate and crop modeling, ecological restoration, biomass production, and ecosystem service economics. These are backed by experienced administrative, legal and accounting staff capable of overseeing all areas of our activity, including performance standards, monitoring and adaptive responses to lessons learned.
We can deliver specialized training programs that meet the needs of all stakeholders. We can stand up robust enterprises and the antifragile eco-communities that support them. We can design each project to become self-regenerative and cool.
Collectively we have the experience and skills to direct a program of this size and scope, but admittedly, what we now intend — to do what is required to arrest runaway climate change — is larger, more ambitious and more time-constrained than anything we have done before. We recognize we will need technical assistance; additional personnel, including management; and additional support.